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Auf gute Nachbarschaft // Sa., 21.08. 2004

"Auf gute Nachbarschaft" - What is your neighborhood like? Tell to trudi.sozial and make a drawing of your residential area...


  Besucher beim Zeichnen ihrer Nachbarschaft   Anny und Sybel nachdenklich

Visitors of trudi.sozial occupied with makin drawings of their neighborhood.

Here we see sisters Anny and Sybel. They actually live in Offenbach, which we have to keep secret.

  Kleine Nachbarschaft verlangt nach einem kleinen Skizzenblock   Nach getaner Arbeit

For those with a small neighborhood we also supplied small notebooks.....

The moment after. Anke, Stefan and Susanne.

  Kleine Nachbarschaft Bild 01   Kleine Nachbarschaft 02  

Two first examples of a "small" neighborhood. Click to enlarge picture.

  Grosse Nachbarschaft Bild 01   Grosse Nachbarschaft 02  

Two first examples of a "big" neighborhood. Click to enlarge picture.

The left picture is around Mainzer Landstr., just a block away from trudi.sozial
The right picture is Frankfurt Nordend, near Friedberger Platz.


"Sex education is doing me no good in my neighborhood." (Erik B.)

* * * * * *

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