Das neue multi.trudi als trudi.sozial in der Hohenstaufenstr. 13-27. Aussenansicht.
Aus einem als Kunstraum betriebenen 10qm großen Pförtnerhaus im Frankfurter Osthafen (1997 2001) hat sich in der Zwischenzeit ein Projekt zur Erforschung partizipativer Praktiken entwickelt.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Publikum können dabei möglicherweise Kunstwerke entstehen.
Seit August 2004 ist multi.trudi wieder in einem festen Raum in Frankfurt beheimatet.
multi.trudi ist offenes Atelier, Dauer-Installation, Dauer-Performance, Labor, Club-Simulation, Soziale Plastik, Gesprächsraum und Salon in einem.
Das Ende der Ausstellungskunst ist seit 1997 das grundlegende Thema und Moment der Arbeit von multi.trudi.
multi.trudi ist darin einzigartig unter allen Off-Spaces in Frankfurt.
Das Thema Japan ist eine feste Konstante, die sich in der Raumgröße, der Musik- und Getränkeauswahl, sowie konkreten Veranstaltungen zu Aspekten der aktuellen japanischen Kultur abbildet. [Tokyo 2003]
Seine reale oder vermeintlich Exotik bildet einen idealen Kristallisationpunkt, unterschwellige Erwartungen des Publikums aufzudecken („Was soll das denn...? Erklär doch mal...“)
Diese Webseite dokumentiert seit 1997 zeitnah diesen Prozeß.
Mehr lesen: facts & mission | trudi.concept (1997)
multi.trudi is an independent, self-organized, non-commercial art-space in Frankfurt since 1997.
It was located in the East Harbour area of Frankfurt between 1997 and 2001.
After a short intermezzo at several venues it is now situated not far from the Frankfurt main train station.
multi.trudi was conceived and founded by media-artist Stefan Beck in 1997 and is operated since then.
With the rather vague term art-space is meant, that it is neither a gallery nor a club, although its activities are aimed at both fields.
multi.trudi offers events at an irregular scheme, which are normally promoted through internet or flyers. A multi.trudi event is not for every possible audience, rather for a selected circle of connaisseurs, who have shown that they're able to appreciate the concept of multi.trudi.
Therefore multi.trudi understands its visitors not as audience but as collaboraters, since a multi.trudi evening is not a fixed show (like in a gallery) but a more flexible flow of responses between the creator (normally Stefan Beck) and the visitors. They as well contribute to an evening an help to shape it to its present state. So each evening is unique, unrepeatable and uncorrectable. As the creator Stefan Beck gives some input, but it is up to the audience/collaborators to work with it.
The main reason for creating multi.trudi was to install a space in Frankfurt where people could meet in the evening, gather and exchange information without being confined to some restrictive concept of gallery or (music) club. Since it is a really tiny space people have to talk to each other, there is no way of avoiding new incoming guests. The main business of multi.trudi therefore is the acquisition of information and the provision of a suitable framework to receive and share this information. The London based curator Clmentine Deliss has coined the term NightWorkStation for it. Historically it can be retrieved to the concept of the Salon.
multi.trudi events can be: classic art shows, music or poetry performance, DJing, but most of it is a unique mixture of all of them. A main feature of any event is, that there is hardly any destinction between the show and the surrounding framework. Not like in classic white cube gallery, which makes a sharp differnce between the artworks and its operational features like desk or gallery girl or storage room. Additionally there is no fixed timing structure. Since each show is achieved with the help of the visiting collaboraters there is a fluid continuation from show to show. At any given show there is old work or remaindance of old work between the most recent ones.
multi.trudi offers several art editions and operates as a online label for electronic noise music.
multi.trudi is also a shareholder company. People who are persuaded by the concept of multi.trudi can buy shares and participate with the success of multi.trudi.
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